Joshua Royte

Benton Alewife Festival on 17 May, Maine

Although there was a smaller than expected public turnout due to heavy rain that day, the ‘alewife dinner’ in the evening was sold out and the fish were not discouraged at all. The river was full of fish bank to bank. In fact, this is the largest alewife run in the US. So far 600,000 alewife have already passed upriver with hopes of 2-3 million by the end of the run.

Photos and comments from the event courtesy of David Courtemanch, from TNC

Event: Ribbon cutting event on 8 May 2014, Alaska

Jessica Speed, Mat-Su Salmon Habitat Partnership

The event described below occurred on the 8th of May, and was a truly amazing show of collaboration by many partners and many ways.

Scientists, students and community members celebrated newly-acquired salmon habitat. A ribbon-cutting event and celebration occurred on May 8th at Machetanz Elementary will honoring Great Land Trust’s $1.5 million purchase of nearly 1,000 acres of public lands next to the Palmer Hay Flats State Game Refuge and Machetanz Elementary School in Wasilla. The event also launched GLT’s King Maker project, which aims to recognize individual Alaskans, from land-owners to elementary students, for the differences they make in protecting Alaska’s wild salmon resource.

In the morning scientists and community partners worked with the students to promote salmon stewardship and conservation awareness. The morning schedule also included presentations by numerous guests including The Wild Bird Rehab Center, Mat-Su Salmon Habitat Partnership, scientists from Department of Fish and Game and a biology professor from the University of Alaska Anchorage. Students also participated in salmon-themed art projects.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony took place at noon with guest speakers including Mat-Su Borough Mayor Larry DeVilbiss, Machetanz Elementary School Principal Jennifer Dowd and a Knik Tribal Council blessing by Richard Porter. The ribbon-cutting ceremony also included a play by Machetanz Elementary students.

Rogers Lake Fishway – Mill Brook, Connecticut

Sally Harold, CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Princeton Hydro, The Nature Conservancy

Upper Columbia United Tribes

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission’s

Today is World Fish Migration Day and today we honor all the salmon, steelhead and lamprey who have shown amazing persistence despite the Columbia Basin’s changing landscape. They have continued to fight. So will we.


Delaware River watershed migration day

Mary Ellen Noonan, Bucks County, PA, USA

World Fish Migration Day

Helen Dalbeck, Amoskeag Fishways Learning and Visitors Center

Photo1: A close encounter between a girl and an American eel…nose to nose. Can you find the yellow eel?

Photo2: Family visit to the Amoskeag Fishways on World Fish Migration Day 2014.

Photo3: World Fish Migration Day, 24 May, 11am – 3pm at our Learning and Visitors Center, 4 Fletcher St, Manchester, NH.

Photo4: It is here, World Fish Migration Day at the Amoskeag Fishways, Manchester, NH!!!!!

Branch Brook Fish Ladder Dedication, Maine

Wells Reserve at Laudholm‎, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve

In Wells, Maine, we celebrated 2 weeks early with the dedication of a rebuilt fish ladder in Branch Brook. Research and monitoring continue through the summer.

Yakama Nation Lamprey/Asum Translocation Release

Ralph Lampman, Yakama Nation Fisheries

Great success for the Yakama Nation Fisheries outreach event!!! We had amasing turnout for this Asum (Pacific Lamprey) Release. Thanks for everyone’s help! Below is a short video clip.

Releasing Pacific lamprey ‘travel bugs’ in the Pacific Northwest

USFWS_Pacific Region

Friends of Geocaching and World Fish Migration Day 2014….join the adventure: Use geocaching to help Pacific lamprey migrate!

In celebration of World Fish Migration Day on May 24, 2014, the USFWS_Pacific Region will begin releasing Pacific lamprey ‘travel bugs’ in the Pacific Northwest and other locations across the species’ range this spring and early summer. Each hand-designed, wooden lamprey ‘bug’ will have a special migratory mission. But they need your help! Geocaching is a great way to get outside, connect with nature, and learn along the way. Happy hunting!

You can learn more about World Fish Migration Day 2014 by checking out their Facebook page and more about Pacific lamprey by checking out our very own Luna the Lamprey.


Friends of Ventura River

Ventura Hillsides Conservancy

Ventura, CA celebrated World Fish Migration Day 2014 with exhibits and tours of the Ventura River, home of the endangered Steelhead Trout.

thanks for celebrating World Fish Migration Day with us!

Products: Voodoo Donuts


NOAA celebrates World Fish Migration Day 2014 at Bonneville Dam with the help of Voodoo Donuts! Many of the fortunate folks watching salmon climb the fish ladder got to share in this one-of-a-kind treat.

Walk and Talk on Lake sturgeon

Lower Great Lakes Fish & Wildlife Conservation Office

Here are some great photos from the Lake Sturgeon Walk & Talk lead by Dr. Dimitry Gorsky. The event took place on May 24th at the Joseph Davis and Devils Hole State Parks along the Niagara River. (Photo credit: USFWS)

Damariscotta Mills Fish Ladder Restoration Festival

Deb Wilson, Nobleboro Historical Society and Town of Nobleboro

TNC hosted a tour for some of their board members and donors, before WFMD2014 at one of the  WFMD event sites.  They had a good turnout for this invitation-only event. This is a remarkable new facility of artistically constructed rock pools that winds through the village among the houses. It passes almost 1 million alewives each year! Unfortunately the fish did not cooperate on the day we were there, they are still waiting in the bay for the upstream migration to begin.

It should be crowded on the 24th with alewives and people.

Penobscot River Restoration Project, Maine

Josh Royter, TNC

TNC, USFWS, NOAA, Penobscot River Restoration Trust, celebrate WFMD @ Blackman Stream, Penobscot River, Maine USA, where dam removal is already propelling fish restoration (100,000-strong) into high gear.