Wolne Rzeki &Fundacja Strefa Zieleni

Fundacja WWF Polska
Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków
Fundacja Greenmind & Siostry Rzeki
Even the Cows from Myscowa are protesting! The cows went out to the meadow and showed that they were not going anywhere and that they felt good on the vast pastures in the Wisłoka valley. It is a scandal to silently push through the reservoir construction project on the 600th anniversary of Myscowa. Nobody talked to the townspeople. Nobody talked to the cows. Not for the Kąty-Myscowa dam! We don’t like the dam! Make milk no dams! Let the world hear it! PiS deputies and councilors from Podkarpacie decided to build a dam designed from the 1960s and displace the inhabitants of beautiful Myscowa . They decided to destroy the natural river and part of the Magura National Park, flood the historic church and cemetery. Many of the inhabitants of Myscowa live off ecological farms and milk production. They have no other profession, they don’t want to move out.