Wave goodby to whitebait as they set off on their big journey

Sjaan Bowie, Department of Conservation, Canterbury University, others TBC

Here is a selection of photos from our amazing event in Christchurch New Zealand om WFMD2016!

We had over 500 kids visit the four stations covering native fish, sports fish, fish passage and Whaka Inaka.

Kids got to watch cool fish demonstrations of sports and native fish going over makeshift fish passes, videos of different native fish swimming, check out where our whitebait have been laying there eggs on the side of the streams, seeing some eggs up really close, getting to see lots of freshwater fish up close, learn about how we can find them and how kids can help. Kids also were lucky enough to take some amazing stickers, colouring in sheets and posters home.


Trevor James, Tasman District Council

We were really pleased at how our event turned out. About 110 people turned out on a day with a sketchy forecast  (there was meant to be showers and it rained a lot of the night and day prior). But the sun came out and the level of engagement by both young children and older folk was really great to see. I was going to be happy if we got 60-80 people. We got mention on Radio NZ news, front page news in the Nelson Mail (newspaper for the whole area) and local papers.

There were also speeches from our Mayor Richard Kempthorne, a Council engineer Hon Dr Nick Smith and Trevor James