Faculty of Fisheries and Water Conservation, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Faculty of Fisheries and Water Conservation, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

The University of South Bohemia is a public university based in České Budějovice and has over 1800 employees in total. It is profiled as an educational and research institution focusing on natural, human and social sciences. The Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (FFPW) continues the more than century-old tradition of the Research Institute of Fishery and Hydrobiology from which it transformed. The FFPW consists of 3 research institutes and forms the South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses (CENAKVA) which is listed as a Large Research Infrastructure. The FFPW has an international cooperation with more than 50 countries. The faculty represents a stable, modern, full equipped top research facility, which urges new methods/approach in research of fishery, water protection, ecotoxicology, genetics and applied sciences. The FFPW also possess own genetic sources of fishes (including sturgeons) as well as is a member of the Breeding Committee for Fish (in CZ). The faculty is a member of many associations and societies on national as well as global level, incl. the membership in World Sturgeon Conservation Society. It is also a respected expert partner for several national ministries in the respected fields, thus can actively influence the politics in protection of aquatic environment and nature conservation.

Type of organization: school_university/research/institute