‘Let there be fish!

Scott Nichols, Bass Sydney, NSW Department of Primary Industries &Fisheries, NSW NPWS, Fish Habitat Network

‘Let there be fish!” was held at Lane Cove Weir fishway in Sydney, Australia.

The event went pretty well, although several audience members came later in proceedings.

All up we had about 18 people there to hear about the importance of fishways, types of fishways (especially around Sydney), involvement of recreational fishers in improving habitat and supporting fishway construction, and the importance of saltmarsh to fish.

Raising Awareness of Fish Migration in South East Queensland

David Roberts, Seqwater (Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority)

A very successful day was had at the Raising Awareness of Fish Migration in South East Queensland event. Over 20 people from wide ranging backgrounds including management, scientists, regulators and interests groups met to observe a trap and haul fish transfer devise and present their findings and new initiatives in fish migration issues in SEQ. A local school group was also there to lend a hand and release fish upstream of the Hinze Dam. See the following link for a short media piece

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Burdekin Word Fish Migration Day – Barra release and BBQ

Paul Duncanson, NQ Dry Tropics

Fish passage in the Burnett River

Bundaberg Regional Council (fishway, no visitor cent)

World Fish Migration Day is 24 May 2014. Check out this video to find out more about the important role Baldwin Swamp Fishway plays in fish migration around the Bundaberg Region.