Word Fish Migration Day at the Sao Francisco River’s Aquarium

Carlyle Coelho, Zoo-Botanic Foundation of Belo Horizonte

I would like to inform you the WFMD event at the Sao Francisco River’s Aquarium was a big success. We received more than thousand visitors between May 22-25 that got information and activities from the event. Follows in attachment some photos.
Thank you by your support and congratulations for your good work.

The Migratory Species of the Juruena River Expedition

Denise Oliveira, WWF Living Amazon Initiative and WWF Brazil

The Migratory Species of the Juruena River Expedition to the surrounding regions of the Juruena National Park, which lies in the Tapajos River basin, Brazilian Amazon, began on May 12 and is scheduled to finish on May 24, World Fish Migration Day.

Photo Credit: @Zig Koch / WWF

WFMD2014 in Vicosa

Joã de Magalhães Lopes, Cemig/Programa Peixe Vivo

Course of PIT Telemetry Applied to Monitoring Neotropical Fish

Itaipu Binacional and Unioeste, GETECH (profesor at West of Parana State University )

Course PIT-telemetry in WFMD2014. Promotion Itaipu Binacional and UNIOESTE/GETECH.

Dr William Severi and his group in Capibaribe

RecifePE Brazil


José Augusto Senhorini , CEPTA

We would like to let you know how much this event meant to us and all the children who visited CEPTA.

There is a new post on our website, if you could please post it on WFMD facebook page: http://www.icmbio.gov.br/cepta/destaques/52-visita-de-estudantes-do-ensino-fundamental-supera-as-expectativas-do-cepta.html

The event exceeded our expectations as we are still being contacted by local schools to schedule new visits. We counted 700 students that came to CEPTA from Monday to Saturday and there are more to come!

May 24th was a special day for us. We received children from the local community and they spent the day with us. We had lunch together and after the programed activities the children had a soccer match.

We would like to thank all of you and also our co-workers and volunteers, who helped us deliver a really great week.

Regular updates are available on our website in portuguese:

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Dia mundial da migração dos peixes

Federal University of Lavras. Fish Biology Laboratory

World Fish Migration day in Lavras, Brazil ! May 24 !

Marco Zero, Recife Antigo, Brazil

Cláudio Lopes, Espaço Ciência