World fish Migration Day – Connecting fish, rivers and people in Canterbury

Swaan Bowie, Multiple organisations (DOC, ECAN, NIWA, PDP)

Happy World Fish Migration Day from New Zealand!!! The sun was shinning and the children were in the river exploring for our event in Christchurch.

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 Wairarapa fish Day: Carters Reserve

Gill, Stewart, Local Community Group

Banded kokopu, inanga – galaxiids species on show at Carter’s Reserve in Gladstone, Wairarapa, New Zealand. We had an open day where people could come and view the fish in their wetland habitat and for the kids they made clay fish from a mould – filled it with seeds from leaf litter and planted them in the forest to hide.

Promotional material: Whitebait Spawning event

Kelly Hughes, Nukuhou Saltmarsh Caregroup