Esturión y Anguila. Pasado y presente de los peces migratorios en el Guadalquivir

WWF Spain

Greetings from Spain! During the first World Fish Migration Day, WWF Spain wanted to spread awareness about the situation of the eel in the Guadalquivir river. The species was very common in the past, but now is on the brink of extinction in the Guadalquivir because of problems like the construction of dams and illegal fishing. The sturgeon dissapeared in the Guadalquivir around the 1960s because of similar problems.

We don’t want to see how the sturgeon’s story is repeated, so we handed out information in markets and restaurants in the Guadalquivir river towns, and also in Seville, where the consumption of eel is traditional within the Sevillian gastronomy. We hope that the eel, and other migratory fish species, can thrive in a healthy and living Guadalquivir.

Press Release

On the occasion of the celebration of world day of migration of fish, WWF has produced a report on the situation of the eel and the dismal history of the sturgeon in the Guadalquivir. Un-SOS-por-la-anguila-del-Guadalquivir

Arrainen Migrazioaren Munduko Eguna in Usurbil & Oria

Estibaliz Díaz‎, AZTI-Technalia

Usurbil: Origami fishes, fish felt brooches, face painting and fish coloring

There were also very intesting conferences about fish migration in Usurbil (Basque Country) , a village located on the banks of the Oria River.

Oria: We visited and sampled ithe salmon and eel fish pass in the Orbeldi dam, in the Oria river, Basque Country

Madrid Río: Looking for a fishway

Felipe Morcillo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Participantes en el Día Mundial de la Migración de Peces @WFMD2014 #MadridRío “Madrid Río: Buscando una escala para peces (Looking for a fishway)” Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Celebrating World Fish Migration Day 2014 in Madrid. Nice day! Thanks to the participants for the interest! @WFMD2014 #WFMD2014 #MadridRío — at Madrid Río.

La Cuenca del Río Júcar y la Migración de los Peces

Francisco Martinez Capel,Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Migración de peces en España: Retos y Experiencias

Javier Sanz Ronda, Grupo de Ecohidráulica Aplicada (GEA-Ecohidráulica)

Celebración del día mundial de la migración de los peces en Palencia (España): ¡todo un éxito!
World Fish Migration Day Celebration in Palencia (Spain): a success!

An open day directed to technicians, managers, students and others will be celebrated in the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the University of Valladolid (Palencia, Spain). In order to reach to more people, the act was celebrated on Thursday, 22nd of May.

Jornada El Ciclo de Vida de las Presas (Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo)

Lidia Arenillas, Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo

Dia del Peix Viatger Als Pirineus


A group of fishermen and conservationists from the Fishing Federation, the Fishermen Clubs Association, the Habitats Association and the Pallars Jussà Biological Station have claimed the construction of fish ladders at dams in the Pyrenees, under the theme “Connecting to fish, rivers and people” and within the 273 events planned worldwide to celebrate the first World Fish Migration Day organized by the WWF. The events began in Senterada morning ushering in the room donated by the city of Senterada exhibition of drawings on fish community organized by the students of INS RONDA of Lleida, in which the kids freely interpreted the fish by drawing travelers with suitcases about to board the plane. Later, participants traveled to the Senterada dam to expose banners and collect signatures to demand that they build a fishway at this dam that cuts the movement of migratory fish from the reservoir of Sant Antoni de Talarn or to the spawning grounds or places of laying eggs Flamicell river.

Dia del peix Viatger, Món Natura Delta de L’Ebre

Susanna Izquierdo, Món Natura Delta de l’Ebre
Presentation of the events planned for the WFMD 2014 in Catalonia