Event: Save Lake Tana’s Unique Fish from Extinction

Abebe Getahun, Addis Ababa University, Bahir Dar University

The events were mainly on awareness creation to the general public and policy makers through running competition and papyrus (reed) boat paddling competition. Banners were hanging on the streets of Bahir Dar and hundreds of leaflets prepared in the local language (Amharic) were also distributed to participants (leaflet below).The mass media (print, radio and TV) have actively participated in the event and all relevant experts have been interviewed and their views are being communicated to the public through mass media.

I would like to sincerely thank and appreciate those who were actively involved in the organization and coordination of these wonderful events that had far reaching impacts around Lake Tana and the country at large, especially Bahir Dar University and the organizing committee as well as Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund that financially supported part of the event.

I hope that we will have more innovative and educational events in the upcoming 2018 World Fish Migration Day.

Protecting the declining stock of the migratory Labeobarbus species flock of Lake Tana, Ethiopia

Abebe Getahun,Wassie Anteneh Melkamu, Eshete Dejen, Minwyelet Mingist Zerihun. Department of Zoological Sciences, Addis Ababa University together with Bahir Dar University
A running and papyrus boating competition event had taken place in Bahir Dar Town. With this event more awareness was created among the public and the policy makers. The three winners of the day where interviewed and awarded.
We had also short video shows to selected stakeholders in the evening that indicate the general threats looming over Lake Tana and the Labeobarbus spp. One of these video films is in Amharic with English sub-title. The other is in English with emphasis on introducing the names of the Labeobarbus spp. (both in English and Amharic) and the difficulties they face during migration from the lake to the rivers. We will distribute these films to all of you and other stakeholders in the country and abroad after some refinements are made.