Sturgeons and Eels liberation

Rita Celli,  Costa Edutainment

Great news from Italy! Here are some photos from Costa Edutainment (Oltremare, Acquario di Cattolica) and University of Bologna’s project: sturgeons and eels liberation.

Temporary release of European Eel broodstock


This was the beginning of an interesting scientific trail on European Eel.

Documentary screening and presentation in ITALY

Piero Mandarino,  Tassarolo event organization committee (Italy-Alessandria )

Orba river (NW Italy) takes part in WFMD2016. A lot of people came to the event and we are very happy. Below there is also a wfmd logo (printed on a t-shirt) located on the river bank.

WFMD at Fiume Serchio, where the public meets with authorities, stakeholders and media

Marco Sammicheli, Vecchiano

In Ripafratta (Pisa) Serchio River is interrupted by a small dam that stops sea run migratory fish, among which there are several endangered species. All competent authorities have supported the project for the construction of a fish passage which took a very long process, many interrupted years and no work has been done yet.

Alleanza Pescatori Ricreativi wants to raise awareness on this issue. On WFMD, the public met with authorities, stakeholders and media, in the dam site, intending to call for the reactivation of the project and its realization.

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Celebrate the World Fish Migration Day, preserve Val Mastallone river!

Patagonia Store, Milano


Chiara Luraghi