Documentary release

Andrej Somora, chairman of non-government organization Ochrana Prírody Podunajska
Documentary called “FOR LIVING RIVERS” that through discussions with experts and interested non-governmental organizations indicate an alarming state of Water protection in Slovakia. It also points to poor water policy of the Slovak Republic as the main cause of this condition.

WORLD FISH MIGRATION DAY 2016 – River landscape and mainstream

Ochrana Prírody Podunajska
The main purpose of the event River landscape and mainstream is to present the meaning of the connectivity of the river landscape, and the meaning of the river restoration processes to the general public. Confronting this facts with the general opinion on the river-powerplants energy as eco-friendly.During the presentation of the connectivity of the river landscape, examples will be shown on the fish migrating long distances (danube sturgeons).Screening of the enviromental documentary, pointing out the problem of the slovakian water policy towards the topic of the river restoration.Presenting of the For living rivers initiative, connecting the experts on the topic, non-government movements, and general public in the fight for rational usage of the river eco-systems.

Release of the danube sturgeon (acipenser rhutenus), presentation of the river life.