Fishway visits in the Kruger National Park

Andrew Deacon, SANPArks

Event: WFMD at SAIAB

Penny Haworth, SAIAB

In the build up to WFMD2016 our Senior Librarian, Sally Schramm, has put up a display of books on fish migration and acoustic tracking in our Margaret Smith Library. We’ve also tweeted Olaf’s talk to #WFMD2016 and @fishmigration.
See below for some photos of the display and some close ups of titles. One of the publications, Fishes – Their journeys and migrations by Louis Roule was published in 1933.

Other titles of interest are: Spawning migration of the European Eel; Migration of Freshwater Fishes; Mechanisms of Migration in Fishes; Physiology and Ecology of Fish Migration; The Impact of dams on life in rivers and more.
Our local newspaper has used the WFMD press release (Grocott’s Mail 20 May 2016, p.19) and included information about Prof Olaf Weyl’s talk with the text. Olaf was also invited to present his talk at one of our local schools .
