Kennebec Estuary Land Trust

Nequasset Alewife Run Celebration! – Ruth Indrick

World Fish Migration Day at the Nequasset Dam will be a celebration of the Nequasset alewife run and the new fish ladder.  This is a fun community event for all ages coordinated by the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust.

Visit Nequasset and take part in:

  • Alewife crafts and games for kids
  • Tours of the new ladder
  • Alewife biology and life history demonstrations
  • Fish counting
  • Hourly presentations about the history of the Nequasset Fish Ladder and alewife harvest

See the fish climb the ladder and watch the alewife harvest! Snacks will be available at the event, and people can buy smoked alewives for 75 cents apiece.

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Fish Migration in the Peconic River

Julie Nace

Yakama Nation Fisheries

Yakama Nation Lamprey/Asum Translocation Release- Ralph Lampman

Releasing adult Pacific lamprey (Asum) collected from Lower Columbia River dams into Ahtanum Creek (a tributary to Yakima River) as part of a translocation project to restore the population in Upper Columbia.

Details: The Yakama Nation (YN) Fisheries Pacific Lamprey Project will be releasing approximately 70 adult lamprey in Ahtanum Creek (tributary to Yakima River, Yakima, WA) on May 21, 2016 at 10am – 12pm.  We invite the public to participate in this event to hear and see firsthand what the lamprey (called “asum” in the Yakama Nation tribal language) is all about.  Pacific lamprey, an ancient fish from 450 million years ago, has been an important food source, medicine, and cultural icon for the YN tribes and bands as well as a keystone species for the stream ecosystems.  Tribal elders will share stories of this unique species and their importance to their culture. We will provide a brief background on lamprey biology, current restoration activities, and most importantly give the audience a chance to see, touch, and feel these “living fossils” before their release.  Ralph Lampman (YN Lamprey Research Biologist) will also sing the “West Coast Lamprey Rap” to voice the many hardships that lamprey face.  If you really get to know them, you’ll understand that they are one of the most benign, respectful, honorable creatures that exist in this world, despite the many stereotypes.  Kids as well as elders are welcome to participate (will be fun for all ages).



“New York is home to significant habitat that is critical to the life cycle of many migratory fish species, and I encourage all residents to participate in these upcoming events in celebration of World Fish Migration Day,” said DEC Acting Commissioner Basil Seggos. “Our citizen-based research and community involvement are essential to learn about these unique animals and help guide our conservation and stewardship efforts.”

Presumpscot Regional Land Trust

Alewife Run – Rachelle Apse

River Network

River Rally – Becca Marcott

Maine Coast Heritage Trust

Orange River Paddle- Jacob van de Sande

Bring-your-own-boat paddle on the Orange River. Come explore and learn about the Orange River and the conservation and diadromous fish restoration work happening in the watershed.  The event will begin at the Whiting Town Hall parking lot (237 S. River Rd. Whiting, ME).  Come take a quick foot tour of the head of tide dam that currently blocks fish migration in the watershed and learn about efforts to restore fish passage. Then drive upstream to a boat launch above the second dam in the watershed and put boats in for a 2 ½ hour paddle in the flat water section of the river.  It is a beautiful meandering stretch of river and wetlands.  Visit conserved lands, picnic areas and a boat access hiking trail. Look for rare birds and learn about the many potential benefits of a watershed wide restoration project under way to increase recreational access and restore fish passage to the Orange River and its lakes and tributaries.

Center for the urban river

Kathalene Lamboy


Kyle Winslow

Delaware River Steamboat Floating Classroom, Inc. SPLASH

Eric Clark

University of Wisconsin-Madison

WFMD at Shedd Aquarium – Solomon David

The Nature Musuem at Grafton

Rachel Brown

National Park Service – Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River

Don Hamilton

Alewives: Small Fish, Big Impact

Washington County Fund of the Maine Community Foundation
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Astoria High School

Lee Cain

Wild Salmon Center

Audie Paulus

Mill Creek Watershed Restoration

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, PacifiCorp, Trout Unlimited, Stonefly Society, Utah

Lamprey Creek

State University, Marys River Watershed Council, Freshwaters Illustrated, Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, the Marys Peak Group of the Sierra Club, Skyline West Neighborhood Association, and the Alliance for Recreation and Natural Areas.

“The Lamprey Creek Awakening” event will be held on Saturday, May 21st, 2016 in Corvallis, Oregon to celebrate the cultural and ecological importance of Pacific lamprey, the Lamprey Creek watershed, and the World Fish Migration Day, The event will commemorate the successful efforts that allowed multiple levels of governance to designate the Corvallis tributary as “Lamprey Creek.” Further information can be found at

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery (FISH)

Rachel Martin

Patten Stream Alewife

Susan Hand Shetterly

Patten Stream Alewife

Susan Hand Shetterly


Origami Fish Folding- Tina Wood

Join us for a fish-focused morning at the Gardiner Public Library! Upstream member, Greg Ponte, will share information on healthy rivers and the fish that live in them…then Gardiner Public Library teen volunteer (and new volunteer to Upstream), Isabelle Files, will lead an origami fish folding activity. Join us to learn more about the sea-run fish passage, the current environmental health of the Cobbossee Watershed, and symbolically honor the many varieties of fish impacted by folding your own origami piece. As always, this event is free and open to the public. The Gardiner Public Library is located at 152 Water Street, Gardiner.

Alabama – Big Canoe Creek

Paul Freeman

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Katie Conrad

Coonamessett River Trust

Wendi Buesseler

Priceton Hydro

Laura Wildman

Columbia Rivers

Kirsten Harma

Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust

Cheri Domina