WFMD at the Port of Bruges

Instituut voor Natuur– en Bosonderzoek, Jeroen Van Wichelen

Team Aquatic Management of the Research Institute of Nature and Forest (INBO) has organized an event at the Boudewijnsluice, a ship lock that forms the connection between the Port of Bruges and the Canal Gent-Oostende, which is considered as an important bottleneck for the upward migration of migratory fish, including the endangered European eel.

On Saturday night, April 21st, a dozen interested people gathered at this ship lock to hear about fish migration problems in the very fragmented Flemish landscape. By applying dipnet fishery in front of the closed lock gates, the audience tried to demonstrate the presence of glass eels and other migratory fish species. Apart of garbage and many jellyfish nothing was caught however. With fyke nets we could demonstrate the presence of European Eel along with Ruffe, Pout, Common dab, European Seabass and Chinese mitten crab. Nevertheless, the meagre results gave enough reasons to reminisce those present of better times when the eels still flourished.

Event in Wallonia

Stream And River Consult sprl, Sébastien Den Doncker

Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos