Yellowfish in Lake Tana, Ethiopia

Abebe Getahun, Addis Ababa University

We had a wonderful event around Lake Tana, Ethiopia. Hundreds of students, farmers, teachers and officials of the region gathered around one of the river mouths of Lake Tana, where Labeobarbus spp. aggregate at the onset of migration to tributary rivers.

It is, indeed, saddening to see some 5000 hectares of the lake being covered with water hyacinth and, more importantly, the river mouths and the rivers themselves are blocked with this invasive weed. Every effort is being exerted to remove the weed mechanically (using machines and hands) and also with biological control methods.

Participants of the World Fish Migration Day have shown their solidarity in removing the water hyacinth to protect the migratory and world’s unique species flock of Labeobarbus spp. from threats of this weed (Pictures attached). More pictures will be forwarded to Kate in subsequent mails.

The event was sponsored by University of Gondar, Bahir Dar University, Addis Ababa University, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund and Mohammed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.