World Fish Migration Day am Lahnfenster

Lahnfenster, Ursula Rock

We had many visitors and families visiting on the day. The focus was on the eel and its migratory behaviour. A video compilation of the day was made:

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Fischwandertag an der Berliner Panke

Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fishery, Laura Bergner 

We hosted a very nice event in Berlin next to a fish-ladder at river Panke. We had posters informing people about rivers, connectivity, migrating fishes and conflicts. We also had some fish species from river Panke shown in an small fish tank.

It was a very sunny day and a lot of people and children stopped to talk to us, see the fishes, read the posters and we answered hundreds of questions. Find some photos attached.

Fishway visit and Celebration of World Fish Migration Day at TUM

Technical University in Munich, Hany Abo El Wafa 

We have organized a World fish migration day event at the technical University in Munich and had the happy Fish competition as one of the activities.