Events: Celebrating Sturgeon in the Danube

Cristina Sandu, Danube Sturgeon Task Force – EUSDR – PA 06

Besides the sturgeon policy declaration in Vienna, in Bucharest we organized an exhibition corner in the National Museum of Natural History “Grigore Antipa” for 1 month (21 April – 21 May- to reach more children) where we used your nice poster (very much appreciated!) and printed flyers (attached).Here are some photos from the closing event on 21 May where we had presentations, a drawing contest, role playing (kids were fish and aquatic organisms migrating in the river), and lot of fun.

Thank you a lot for your work, you are doing an amazing job and it is great that the event is becoming more popular at worldwide level – this is the best way we can raise awareness on the fish/aquatic communities needs.

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Event: World Fish Migration Day din Jurilovca, Romania

Ioana Cenusa, WWF Romania
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Aqua Crisius Anglers Association

Oradea, Romania on Crisul Repede River. @Andrei Togor