Happy fish tour

World Fish Migration Foundation, Iwan Hoving

As a connecting event in the Netherlands the Happy Fish on Tour campervan be spotted in the Netherlands. To celebrate World Fish Migration day The Happy Fish on Tour was a Dutch and mobile event in the week of the 21st of April. It was comprised of four people: Lissie de Groot, Bas Deelman, Sebastiaan Hoogeweegen and Iwan Hoving. We visited 8 events in 3 days. In total we were 5 days ‘on the move’. It was great fun and interesting to meet so many involved and engaged people. And above all to make a connection between all these different meetups. The events we attended differ enormously: a plastic-beach clean-up together with schoolkids, a seminar on dam removal and fish migration, educational events, the launch of the book “from sea to source”, skype calls were made with other Hubs worldwide and we went to the Flyfair 2018 where the World Fish Migration Foundation received an award from the fly fishermen for their work. During driving and in the evening the team was busy with all the social media channels, updating the newsfeed, video editing and messages spread. I take my hat off for all the work Lissie and ‘Bas and Bas’ did.

It’s all about connecting rivers, connecting people. So that is what the Happy Fish on Tour did!

Amber project

The Happy Fish Journey

Rik Bomer

5,000km cycling tour across Europe to learn more about fish migration and sustainable river measures.

Zalm diner

‘t Ailand Lauwersoog, Goede Vissers, Barbara Rodenburg-Geertsema 

Hereby 3 pictures from saturday april 21st.

First is setting the gillnet with youngster from the junior rangers from National Park Lauwersmeer (a youth club associated with IVN). We caught some flounders and some Chinese mitten crabs (no salmon, trout or smelt this time).

The other two pictures are made on the traditional ‘zalmdrijver’, built in Woudrichem in 1903 for the salmon fisheries on the Dutch ‘ benedenrivieren’. We will restore this historic boat and use it for storytelling. That storytelling started last saturday by taking people on the boat and telling about the importance of salmon and other migrating fish species.

All together we had a very pleasant day.

And we are very sue that all the visitors of our little restaurant last week noticed that we were celebrating world fish migration day, also the guests who just came for a coffee.

Hunze en Aa’s celebrating WFMD at various events

Hunze en Aa’s Water Authority, Willeke Bergman
Regional TV visited us (from 10.15 min)

Ruim baan voor vis in het IJsselmeergebied

Rijkswaterstaat Midden Nederland, Marianne Greijdanus-Klaas 

Football tournament

GRC, Jacco Snippe 

On Friday the 20th of april we played a footballtournament for the Fishwivescup. GRC 35+ won 4 out of 4 games and they also won the cup.  

Tentoonstelling Swim Fish Swim

Droomfondsproject Haringvliet, Irenka van de Hout