North Transdanubian Water Directorate

On two wheels for free flow of our rivers Cycling tour to Ásványráró (Hungary) sturgeon memorial place WFMD May 24th 2024

Cycling tour from Győr to Ásványráró (Hungary) sturgeon memorial place WFMD May 24th 2024. North Transdanubian Water Directorate Győr (Hungary). The Hungarian Upper Danube and the related branches, backwaters in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) ) as a result of Gabcikovo barrage physical  alterations  was designated to the group of heavily modified water bodies (HMWB).

Three local associations (Győr, Sopron and Mosonmagyaróvár) of the Hungarian Hydrological Society and nature conservation enthusiasts supported by the North Transdanubian Water Directorate (Győr) on the occasion of WFMD 2024 organize cycling tour to the Sturgeon memorial place. Aim of the cycling tour is – beside of physical activity and togetherness – to known and inform about efforts done by the Directorate according restoration and mitigation measures of fresh water ecosystems of the Danube river largest inland delta. The organizers would bringing this true water paradise back into participants lives pointing the importance of fish migration and the EU biodiversity goal to restore at least 25,000 km. of free-flowing rivers by the year 2030.