Conservation International México A. C.

Festival ambiental por el libre transito de peces nativos dentro de la Reserva de la Biosfera La Encrucijada.

El evento incluyó varias actividades:

  • Retiro de basura de PET de los estuarios.
  • Apertura de esteros cerrados con el tiempo para permitir el libre tránsito de peces y crustáceos.
  • Participación de niños de preescolar en un festival cultural sobre el libre tránsito de peces, utilizando materiales reciclados.
  • Creación de historias por parte de niños de escuela básica sobre la importancia de la migración de los peces.
  • Presentación de una obra de teatro con títeres sobre los problemas de contaminación en mares y costas, y la importancia de que tanto niños como adultos tomen conciencia de proteger el ambiente y la biodiversidad.

Eco-Alianza de Loreto

Biología de peces

At Eco-Alianza de Loreto, we celebrated World Migratory Fish Day with an engaging and educational workshop designed for elementary students. Throughout the day, students delved into the fascinating world of fish, exploring biological aspects such as anatomy and morphology. A highlight of the workshop was the hands-on experience of observing fish structures through microscopes, allowing children to discover details and gain a deeper understanding of the diversity among these aquatic species.

The workshop also underscored the critical importance of local wetlands and their vital connection to the oceans, serving as essential habitats for migratory fish. Students were also informed about environmental threats facing freshwater fish in our community, particularly pollution from solid waste. Through interactive discussions, children were encouraged to consider practical actions they can take, such as reducing plastic use and participating in water body cleanup initiatives, to protect these vulnerable species.

In summary, the activity not only educated students about the significance of migratory fish and the conservation of their habitats but also instilled a sense of environmental responsibility from an early age, preparing them to be informed and engaged citizens committed to environmental stewardship.

Facebook: Eco Alianza Loreto A.C.

Instagram: ecoalianzaloreto

Youtube: Eco-Alianza Loreto A.C.