Technichus Mitt Sverige

Restoration project of Gerestabäcken in Härnösand Sweden.

There will be 4 classes in total participating in taking stock of fish and insects after the diversion and restoration of the stream. They will also receive lessons about the importance of biodiversity. We plan to carry out the 29th and 30th of May. The municipality and the County Administrative Board in Västernorrland are involved in the project. The students get to rake and speciesize insects, remove invasive species and support planting native plants instead. As a pre-job, the students will get to see how the stream looked before the restoration and how it will look after the work is done. What remains is to plant and decorate and create stands for the trout to play.

LIFE IP Rich Waters, Länsstyrelsen i Västmanlands län Länsstyrelsen i Västmanlands län

Fira fisken – Celebrate the fish

Every year there is a Children’s Festival in Västerås, Sweden. This year, LIFE IP Rich Waters are on site by the fauna passage by Turbinhuset in the city centre. We invite all families to come and celebrate the fish and their new possibilities to migrate!

  • We offer a quiz walk with educational questions about the fish and animals that live in the river Svartån.
  • The fauna passage is situated by Turbinhuset. It was built in 1891 and is one of Sweden’s oldest power stations. And it’s actually still running and producing electricity! Turbinhuset will be open – so take the opportunity to check it out!
  • Learn more about water, nature and the environment! The County Administrative Board of Västmanland, the Mälaren Water Conservation Association and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation are on site.